Friday, June 1, 2018

Download Financial Management for Your Mental Health Practice: Key Concepts Made Simple - Ph.D. pdf

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Perhaps no issue is more important to the sustained success of a mental health practice than understanding the financial aspects of running a business. Yet this topic receives such little attention in most professional training programs. Without full awareness of where revenues are coming from, and where they are allocated in the practice, how can small business owners know how they are doing financially? Could you be doing better? Where should you invest more resources? Where could you cut expenses? How can you review financial statements to plan for sustained growth in your practice? One need not be a CPA to develop and maintain a successful practice, but understanding basic accounting concepts is one of the necessary ingredients. In this book Dr. Zimmerman combines his years of experience running a large mental health practice and consulting to mental health practices, with Ms. Libby s years of experience working as a CPA for mental health practices, to develop a helpful and important primer that is essential reading for anyone wanting a financially successful practice.
Ph.D. Financial Management for Your Mental Health Practice: Key Concepts Made Simple free
Financial Management for Your Mental Health Practice: Key Concepts Made Simple pdf free download
Financial Management for Your Mental Health Practice: Key Concepts Made Simple pdf

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